Wadhurst Surgery

Ticehurst Surgery

Social Prescriber

What is social prescribing?

It’s widely recognised that by helping a person consider some of their social, psychological, and practical needs, an improvement in wellbeing is possible. This service is considered non-urgent and suitable for those coping with one or more of the following situations.

  • One or more long-term health conditions
  • Those who may need some support with their mental health and would like to think broadly about their needs
  • Those who may be feeling lonely or isolated
  • Those who may have complex social needs which are affecting their wellbeing

This link explains more about the reasons for social prescribing https://www.england.nhs.uk/personalisedcare/social-prescribing/.

At Wadhurst Medical Group we have Helen Buchan, who visits Belmont Surgery every 2nd Wednesday of the month and Ticehurst Surgery every 4th Tuesday of the month.

Helen’s aim to do the following (in approximately 4 appointments over 12 weeks):

  • Make contact by phone, see you in person (at the GP practice and sometimes can offer a home visit).
  • Listen, assess, and help you make a personal plan about what matters to you.
  • Provide information about different possible community activities and services which could help you feel better.
  • Support you, if necessary, to access those chosen activities or services related to health, social care, and your local community.

Helen is available to focus on your social rather than medical needs. She is not medically trained. When she meets you, she will take some notes and some details can be added to your patient records (if you wish). This helps provide better holistic healthcare across the primary care team. Some notes can remain confidential (if you wish). Finally, in exceptional circumstances information will be shared, such as if a situation arises where Helen is concerned for your safety or that of others. She will discuss herr concerns and involve you where possible.

Date published: 22nd January, 2024
Date last updated: 22nd January, 2024